my parents are together for 27 yrs now and they love each other like teenagers..and i love them for really everything they gave and taught me! <3
and why this picture of them? maybe because i wanna get old together like them..or maybe because alex and i are both together for 2 yrs now...march is our anniversary month - we dont have a date cause it was kinda complicated in the beginning with me saying "realationship" remember "i loved my freedom" and stuff? blah i tell you i love him more than everything! why not a picture of me and alex? hmm i give you our very first picture together - i really love it :D it was on a harcore show - i really cant remember anything of this night -and it wasnt a date for lovers or so..we just went to the concert and then i went clubbing and he went back home cause what i didnt knew back then was that he doesnt like to much changed - we know each other every day a lil better and i really love it. no other guy could give me those yrs i had with him and no one could make it better then him i think..:D (the other couple btw is my ex-best-girlfriend and her ex-boyfriend so its kinda bittersweet looking at this pic)
Oh ja, der März ist wohl ein Liebesmonat! Mein Freund und ich sind vor vier Jahren auch im März zusammengekommen.
Oh nein, nicht auch noch Französisch. Dann würd ich vollends durchdrehen, meine Gedanken wechseln eh schon die ganze Zeit zwischen drei Sprachen. Schwierig das Ganze! Ich studier Kunst und Englisch für Lehramt an Gymnasien, erstes Semester grad vorbei, zweites fängt bald an! Und deine Bilder sind auf keinsten Fall hässlich. Du musst unbedingt mehr, mehr, mehr machen! Ich schau sowas echt gerne an. In meinem Sketchbook klatsch ich eigentlich gerne Farbe rein, hauptsache rumexperimentieren. Ich mag diese Skizzenbücher voller braver, handzahmer Zeichnungen nicht, man muss sich ja auch ausleben können. Und wie kommst du auf Penisse? :) Der Post ist übrigens sehr herzerwärmend, lässt mich nahezu vergessen, dass ich doch eher der Misanthrop bin, haha.
Few is the number who think with their own minds and feel with their own hearts.
about me...
Oh, HI!
Hello sweethearts! here i tell you a lil bit about myself. Something "private" to give you a lil bit of sugar.
1988 i was born in munich - you know that city in germany with the oktoberfest and beer and fat germans who only eat "prezels" and sausages. i am vegetarian btw. my mother is african and my dad german. we moved around a lot when i was a kid - but
i never mind evengthough i think thats that the reason why i cant get really personal with ppl.
i was a wild teenager - with alcohol, too much partying and too much kissing around - and never had a real boyfriend cause i loved my freedom!
and then i met alex who is my boyfriend now... we meet at an art-fest in munich and somehow we stuck together and i really do love him!
i was always intrested in art. my grandparents were both architects and artists. i remember my first painting i gave my grandpa for present was
a skeleton of a squirrel. i think i knew that i would be a lil bit metal by heart then haha!
i got my first tattoo when i was 12 or 14...cant remember but i do remember that my mom just asked me if i want one cause my sister was getting one
and sure i said yes - cause i always wanted exactly the same what my big sister tatiana got!
so thats it - here you see my WIP work and love. i hope you enjoy it.
-That's me
I used to go away for weeks... in a state of confusion.
this part is still under construction! wait and see.
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.