it was just too hot today for doing anything. so we stayed at home ordered some pizza & pasta & salad - and just do what other couples would do if they are alone...they WRESTLE!
in the one corner: alex the lion - in the other corner:sandra the squirrel guess who won?
humm after this alex was busy with drawing and i did proudly - nothing besides watching too much youtube^^ had a rough working week so i think i earned to do nothing^^
hope you had a nice weekend! and dont forget to wrestle with your boy-/girl-friends^^
ahah you cracked me out
I wrestle with my boyfriend too, but once I got carried away and jumped on him, I am not light weighted, so I hurted his ribs ahah
he is a boxer, and he could win every time, but he let me play most of the times, and move gently to never hurt me (even if I don't do the same eheh)
Few is the number who think with their own minds and feel with their own hearts.
about me...
Oh, HI!
Hello sweethearts! here i tell you a lil bit about myself. Something "private" to give you a lil bit of sugar.
1988 i was born in munich - you know that city in germany with the oktoberfest and beer and fat germans who only eat "prezels" and sausages. i am vegetarian btw. my mother is african and my dad german. we moved around a lot when i was a kid - but
i never mind evengthough i think thats that the reason why i cant get really personal with ppl.
i was a wild teenager - with alcohol, too much partying and too much kissing around - and never had a real boyfriend cause i loved my freedom!
and then i met alex who is my boyfriend now... we meet at an art-fest in munich and somehow we stuck together and i really do love him!
i was always intrested in art. my grandparents were both architects and artists. i remember my first painting i gave my grandpa for present was
a skeleton of a squirrel. i think i knew that i would be a lil bit metal by heart then haha!
i got my first tattoo when i was 12 or 14...cant remember but i do remember that my mom just asked me if i want one cause my sister was getting one
and sure i said yes - cause i always wanted exactly the same what my big sister tatiana got!
so thats it - here you see my WIP work and love. i hope you enjoy it.
-That's me
I used to go away for weeks... in a state of confusion.
this part is still under construction! wait and see.
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.