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Me is happy!
2010-10-03 / 23:42

remember the give away i have done? i used the lines again cause i liked them a i hope to finish the flash this week...the girls that i am planning on will take a while. i want to mix my illustration style with the traditional-ish style i we will see.

... and this was my weekend. we were at the benrath palace (yeah i like stuff like that - it was a PINK palace heeeeellllooooooooooHoooo :D) in düsseldorf - and you can tell i was happy. after this we were eating fries and waffeles muahahhaha - and we watched despicale me! in english! it was so GREAT! YEAH!...woah and i have a huuuge head muahaha and no lips - anyway i love my boy who got through my hyper-phase on the palace (i was really like "high" and jumped around and hunting ducks and stuff) but i think i deserved it cause the weekend was also totally stressed out. i had night-shifts and slept until 2pm so we hadnt have much of the day - but those 7 hours until 11 pm. on sunday were only ours! YEAH! i also did my first step to my tattoo-apprentice stuff - i showed my work at one studio and they said they will call me i am waiting...i would lie if i said i wasnt nervous but i think they wont take me cause already one girl is learning over there. but i plan to visit some more studios this month so i have to draw aaaaa lot :D



I loved that bee!
and you're so cute! good luck on the apprentice!

By Blogger Sara, at 4. Oktober 2010 um 01:02  

Good luck, I hope they call you back with some good news! Oh, and I posted a link to that vid.

By Blogger MinusAll, at 4. Oktober 2010 um 09:48  

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