Oh I would buy one! Beautiful!
By Consider my dear, at 12. August 2010 um 12:57
uih^^ ich möchte so einen =D
By HalinaSL, at 12. August 2010 um 13:31
Oh, thank you! Humm and sorry, I should definitly translate my posts than just have them written only in portuguese !
Thank you for your comment, I've add your blog too :)
By Joana Paraizo, at 12. August 2010 um 15:39
Hello! thanks for your comment, I should definitly start translating my posts as well because it's not too worthy if I just put thing in portuguese.. (:
Loved your blog, nice illustrations ! xxx
By Joana Paraizo, at 12. August 2010 um 16:15
wow, she is gorgeous!
reminds me art nouveau!!!
By Angela Anne, at 12. August 2010 um 17:57
It is so gorgeous. I adore it. So glad to have stumbled across your blog!
By Tillie, at 12. August 2010 um 19:17
that's really beautiful! it reminded me of Klimt!
By Sara, at 12. August 2010 um 23:41
that is fabulous, you are very talented. They have an Art Nouveau feel to them beautiful!xx
By Lulu and her whimsical ways!, at 13. August 2010 um 04:38
They're beautiful! Where did you print them ?
By Kim-Anh Nguyen, at 15. August 2010 um 00:17
i have done them all by myself^^
By Sandra Valerie, at 15. August 2010 um 04:32
Thank you Sandra ! :)
By Joana Paraizo, at 15. August 2010 um 06:12
hihi danke^^ hab ne packung fimo bekommen und wollt es mal testen xD vllcht mach ich ja, wenn ich 50 follower hab (eh, also vielleicht nie...) oder sagen wir lieber 30 auch mal ein giveaway und da könnte ich auch solche sachen migeben :3
und den ganzen glitzerkrams hab ich seit dem kindergarten gesammelt... immer, wenn mal ne kette kaputt ging, die perlen gesammelt usw...
und ich kauf mir immer sowas, ohne zu wissen, was ich eigl damit soll ;)
oh ja, ich liebe kitsch!!!
By HalinaSL, at 15. August 2010 um 11:14
the drawing is so beautiful ,
you have great talents , keep up the good work
By Jasmine, at 16. August 2010 um 04:12
great work! well done girl :)
thanks for following my blog! welcome to milk.
By Taby Kislanov, at 16. August 2010 um 09:40
awesome blog! :)
By Momoko Plush Tattooed Mom | Beauty and craft!, at 16. August 2010 um 13:39
Beautiful work! Is it watercolour and ink?
, atthis is mixed media^^
By Sandra Valerie, at 22. August 2010 um 23:14