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Sneak Peak on the Split
2010-07-26 / 12:34

so i started on the split which alex and me will do together with this lovely lady! i am REALLY excited how it will turn out and what alex will make YEAH :D hmm and i have not decided yet if i will make the whole hair black or not hmmm...


Flash-Splits & London Tattoo Convention 2010
2010-07-24 / 12:43

hey folks!
my lovely - handsome - superWOWtalented (he will hate me for this description) boyfriend did this flash-split with the also supertalented brad T. ! i think they have done a great job :D he is planning to do more splits with other artists - and hopefully (soon to be good) friends!

sooo havent been here for a while. just have to say that i only have to "really" work once next week (that means i only have to make ONE job and not two - cause this week was just tooooo busy) - so i can start drawing again. alex' said he will make a split with me too- but i have to start - and he knows i am kinda lazy with the shades - but this time he will make big eyes! haha!

we decided to go to the LONDON TATTOO CONVENTION 2010 this we did last year haha. it will cost a lil bit of money but its worth it - and i hope to get a new tattoo! i would love to get some old-skool tattoo stuff or one piece of valerie vargas - couldnt get one last year cause i was just to late - but i will buy an advanced ticket to get earlier in ther uhuu..for me its sure to get there - alex doesnt know yet cause of work and stuff...but i hope HOPE hope that he will have time for 3 days :D it would be on his birthday - and i think it would be a great birthdaypresent for him. last year was just amazing! and 2 weeks before that i will turn 22 - so i will get even more money to spend muahahahah :D that will be great.

and eclipse was SO great!* i just LOVE the movies. sry - i am clichee (call me stupid and annoying and "uhh another kiddy who likes this twilight drama commercial stuff) - but i read all the books and i just love kristen steward and robert as a couple they are just RAWR - i always think RAWR when i see them two together. its like looking at ppl who have found their other half and are just happy with eachother - in the movie - yeah^^. i love to watch couple who love eachother - like my mom and dad! they are like teenagers and i love to watch them acting like that :D

i hope you are all happy and in love - i love being in love - i love my boy :DDD

i am out!

*btw - yeah - i am a huge movie/book fanatic - i was dissapointed by karate kid - i like the old first one most - wax on wax off!


2010-07-17 / 08:19

hey folks! hope you are fine - wasnt lazy - had to deal with "real" things in the "real" having 2 jobs...and no other life beside this ha! i didnt get to draw much cause my worktime is from 9a.m. til 11p.m. sooo i have only this tiny squaw for you. i am planning to make a native-amaerica small flash here you can see a lil part of it. i want it to be "overstuffed" with too much of things..but we will see if i can handle it without having time. next week wont be that busy so i hope to get to draw more :)

so i have not much to say. i am busy - feeling kinda lonely but dont want anybody around me - except for alex - cause i enjoy the silent after work. there is too much hectic and noises over there.

one great thing will be tomorrow! we will go to the cinema after alex picked me up from work and watch the new twilight movie! i love twilight! alex is still sceptic - but he goes with me cause he loves me hahaha^^

so guys & girls!
see y'all.

kisses sandra


I'm a Wrestler...not!
2010-07-11 / 15:23

it was just too hot today for doing anything. so we stayed at home ordered some pizza & pasta & salad - and just do what other couples would do if they are alone...they WRESTLE!

in the one corner: alex the lion - in the other corner:sandra the squirrel
guess who won?

humm after this alex was busy with drawing and i did proudly - nothing besides watching too much youtube^^ had a rough working week so i think i earned to do nothing^^

hope you had a nice weekend! and dont forget to wrestle with your boy-/girl-friends^^


me the bullhead
2010-07-09 / 05:23

i was a lil bit mad today when i wanted to colorate my pig. alex is working all night long and really hard nowadays and put the tools nowhere i can find it... its not his fault - i was always mad when i used to live with my sis and she did the same thing..but if i do it - it is never my fault haha^^ *sigh*... he is really working hard but when i wanna practice without the right equiptment - i am a lil bit pissed... i am such a bullhead...but soooo it didnt worked out as clean as i wanted it cause i didnt have bigger brushes :/


The Ghost of the Lion
2010-07-03 / 06:37

finally got time to draw again.
think i will make a serie out of this idea..hmm.

i think i am living in hell right now - cause its fucking hot here! we have almost 40° over here. i hate it really. to draw in such conditions dont really make fun..but i like how the drawing turned out.

nothin much too say. watching too many dvds.

love you all!


Tattoo Gallery Exhibition
2010-07-01 / 14:33

The lionheart tattoo gallery had a lil exhibition some days ago. it was just too hot but the drawings were great! even one of alex got in this one! great! beside him there were pictures of dettmer, eckel etc. shit part of it was that the pictures we have taken were just just some to get an idea of what we enjoyed ;)

just a lil piece of a pic by marode

if you watch carefully you can see me and my lil backpiece

leib & seele tattoo / by holtz = this girl was my fav!

alex' pic! YAY

just us getting there ^^


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